The Village of Homewood held a training session for their Planning & Zoning Commission on November 13, 2024. Commission members, city staff, and the city attorney were in attendance, and members of the Park Board also observed the session. Commissioners commented that discussion on ex parte communication, conflicts of interest, and the importance of findings of fact were the most helpful topics during the session.
We also had a special visit from Joe Schwieterman, DePaul University's Chaddick Institute, with 9 graduate students. Trainers were able to say hello to the students and took a few minutes to explain the goal of the trainings and answer any other questions they had.
The training session was presented by David Silverman, FAICP, Ancel Glink, and Jason Berry, AICP, Village of Lemont.
Many thanks to Angela Mesaros, AICP, Village of Lemont for organizing the session.
Visit the Plan Commissioner Training website to learn more and contact the APA-IL Planning Officials Development Officer, Tom Farace, AICP at
Thumbnail Photo Credit: "Village of Homewood - Village Hall" by Jquirke