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2018 APA-IL Service Awards Announced!

Congratulations to the 2018 APA-IL Service Award Winners! The following outstanding individuals were honored during the Awards Ceremony at the 2018 APA-IL State Conference on Wednesday, September 26th.

  • Mark Peterson - Planning Advocate

  • Paola Aguirre - Emerging Planner

  • Rob Olshansky, FAICP - Distinguished Service

  • Elizabeth "Libby" Tyler, FAICP - Distinguished Service

Incidentally, Rob and Libby have also been married for over 30 years, and they are enjoying their recent retirements, currently traveling in New Zealand, so could not attend this year's conference. They were generous enough to send a short message to the Chapter. Please click here to watch the video and taken in some of New Zealand's gorgeous landscape. After the Awards Ceremony, winners were able to mingle with other award winners, conference attendees, and exhibitors at a meet and greet reception.

You can read more about this year's service award winners as well as all the 2018 award winning plans at

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