Professional Development Committee

Whether you're strengthening your skills, taking the AICP Exam, maintaining your AICP certification, or getting ready to become a Fellow of AICP, the APA-IL is here to help.

The APA-IL provides unique educational and networking opportunities for members through our Past/Future Conferences, committee and section activities, Plan Commissioner Training, and AICP exam preparation programs. Please refer to AICP information on the Members Only webpage.

2023-24 Professional Development Officer
Andy Cross, AICP

2024 Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee is dedicated to fostering continuous growth and learning among our members. By organizing webinars and other educational sessions, the committee ensures that members across the entire state of Illinois have access to the latest industry knowledge and skill-building opportunities. We help Illinois' urban planning professionals achieve their professional goals and make great communities!

Committee Members
Colleen Malec, AICP, Co-Chair
Jessica Gal, AICP, Co-Chair
Clara Gable, AICP
Gabrielle Mattingly, AICP
Rachel Riemenschneider

7/27/21 - APA-IL PlanNotes Webinar: Managing Elected Officials (CM | 1.5)

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APA-IL PlanNotes: Managing Public Meetings

APA-IL PlanNotes: Managing Public Meetings

Learn to better manage your public meetings.

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