Legislative Committee

The APA-IL Legislative Committee provides information on legislative matters in Illinois that concern planning officials and professionals. The Committee tracks legislative initiatives, reviews proposed changes to state law, informs members about proposed legislation and APA-IL legislative priorities, provides comments and testimony on legislative actions, and connects members with their legislators.

Legislative Committee Members

  • Ben LeRoy, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Co-chair)
  • Greg Jones, AICP, Ancel Glink et al. (Co-Chair)
  • Drew Awsumb, AICP, City of Park Ridge
  • Rachel Cantin, City of Waukegan
  • Daniel Comeaux, CDM Smith
  • Greg Crowe, AICP, MSA Professional Services
  • Alicia Hanlon, TransPlan Consulting
  • Daniel Lev, Ancel Glink
  • Erin Monforti, Ancel Glink
  • Mike Penicnak
  • Bethany Salmon, Village of Hinsdale
  • Joey Slater, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Amari Smith, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Chris Tempel

Legislative Committee Members have the opportunity to engage in the legislative process and influence action on bills that affect a wide range of issues across Illinois. To join the Committee or to provide input about legislative priorities or pending bills, please contact us.

Current Alerts, News, and Events


The APA-IL Legislative Committee consists of three sub-committees that allows members to participate in legislative advocacy.

  • Membership Engagement responsibilities include educating members about APA-IL legislative priorities, connecting members with their legislators back in their district, and updating the Legislative Committee webpage. The subcommittee is most active between September through December.
  • Legislator Outreach responsibilities include identifying leaders and staff of relevant committees and sharing APA-IL legislative priorities. The subcommittee is most active between September through December.
  • Legislative Tracking and Advocacy responsibilities include screening legislation with an emphasis on APA-IL's legislative priorities, disseminating member action alerts and informational updates, and publishing a post-session summary of relevant legislation. The subcommittee is most active between January and May.

APA-IL Legislative Priorities

2024 Legislative Priorities: APA-IL 2024 Legislative Priorities (approved12/8/2023)

Past Legislative Actions

Senate Bill 3329 and House Bill 4704 Would Limit Local Zoning Authority Over Residential Gardens​

  • March 3, 2020 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Contact your state legislators to OPPOSE both HB4704, as amended, and SB3329 as introduced and file witness slip.​

House Bill 2862, As Amended, Would Create a Permanent Right to Challenge Property Specific Zoning Ordinances

  • May 30, 2019 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Contact your state legislators to OPPOSE HB2862.

House Bill 2206 Would Significantly Hamper Local Government Building Inspection Powers Designed to Protect the Public

  • March 29, 2019 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Contact your state legislators to OPPOSE.​

House Bill 3185 - MUNI CD-RESTRICTIVE ZONING, which includes a home rule preemption, would prevent local governments from enforcing against a development any zoning or building ordinance that a municipality approves after a developer takes any five qualifying initial steps to advance a project.

  • March 29, 2019 APA-IL Blast​
  • Recommendation: Contact your state legislators to OPPOSE.

Senate Bill 1675 Would Prohibit Local Zoning Authority Over Certain Temporary Crop Protection Structures

  • March 12, 2019 APA-IL Blast
  • Contact your state legislators to OPPOSE SB1675 as introduced. 

Show your OPPOSITION to Illinois House Bill 2157 Muni-Annex Contiguous Land

  • March 7, 2019 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Contact your state legislators to Oppose HB 2157 as introduced.

Show your OPPOSITION to Illinois House Bill 0305 Use of Local Government Funds to Pay for Local Government Officials’ Professional Development and Training Expenses.

  • February 12, 2019 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: File a Witness Slip to OPPOSE HB0305

House Bills 4246, 4247, 4248 Prohibit Use of Local Government Funds to Pay for Local Government Officials’ Professional Development and Training Expenses

  • January 30, 2018 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Contact your legislators to OPPOSE these house bills as introduced.

Safe Roads Constitutional Amendment

  • October 31, 2016 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Uncertainties and severity of the constitutional amendment mechanism lead the APA-IL to encourage its membership to vote NO on the SRA.

Senate Bill 6033 (Amends Annexation Statutes Adding Burdensome Notice and Procedural Requirements)

  • March 12, 2016 APA-IL Blast
  • Recommendation: Contact your state representatives to OPPOSE SB6033 as introduced.

Senate Bill 0036 (School Zoning)

  • March 17, 2015 APA-IL Blast
  • UPDATE: SB0036 has, with a few non-votes, passed the Senate unanimously. The APA-IL can certainly take some credit here with our consistent support of Sen. Althoff’s bill and our advocacy for its passage during our Planners Legislative Action Day on March 24th. Congratulations to our Legislative Committee on a job well done!
  • Recommendation: Contact your state representatives to Support SB0036 as introduced.
