On Thursday, February 23rd, APA-CMS and the APA-IL Mentoring Program co-hosted their annual Mentoring Networking Event immediately following the APA-CMS Bar Exam at Jak’s Tap in Chicago . The APA-IL Mentoring Program works to connect APA Illinois emerging professionals and students with our experienced professional planners. The event, attended by a mix of over 30 mentors and mentees, offered both informal networking over drinks and appetizers and more structured small group discussions to break the ice. Discussion topics included mentors describing how they got their first job and all participants sharing how they became interested in the urban planning field. Attendees also learned about how to participate in APA-IL’s mentoring program – a one year program that matches emerging planners or students with a seasoned APA-IL mentor. The program’s new Coffee with a Mentor track was also introduced, which offers members a more informal way to participate in the program– matching a mentor and mentee for just one meeting, recommend over coffee, to connect on any career topics. More information on programs can be found on the APA-IL Mentoring website: http://www.ilapa.org/mentoring