Sea level rise? Nope. Wildfires? Unlikely. More frequent, more powerful storm events? Unfortunately, yes, that's what climate change looks like in the Midwest! As midwestern planners and landscape architects grapple with how to adapt, this event gets beyond the basics to discuss site-level impacts ...and what we can do about it.
CREDITS: 1.5 AICP CM, 1.5 LA CES. Planners, log your credits HERE.
HOSTS: APA-IL Chicago Metro Section and the Illinois Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects
Resources Shared:
Tackling Barriers to Green Infrastructure: An Audit of Municipal Codes and Ordinances
Sites Initiative - The Sustainable SITES Initiative is a set of comprehensive, voluntary guidelines together with a rating system that assesses the sustainable design, construction, and maintenance of landscapes. It is used by landscape architects, designers, engineers, architects, developers, policy-makers, and others to guide land design and development.
Climate and Weather Tools for Stormwater Planning in the Great Lakes webinar recording
Climate and Weather Tools for Stormwater Planning in the Great Lakes - factsheet of the tools covered in the webinar
Great Lakes Resilience Planning Resources (thanks to Casey Sebetto, Assistant Scientist, Project Manager - Coastal Planning and Communications, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Coastal Management Program)
Thank you to the sessions' amazing speakers! Let's keep learning!
Jim Angel (presenter), Lead Author, Midwest Chapter of the National Climate Assessment | Former Illinois State Climatologist (1997-2018) | Adjunct, Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois. Click on the .pdf below to view Jim's slide deck.
Amanda Arnold (host), PlanIt Landscape Perspectives
Dave Frigo (panelist), Hitchcock Design Group
Justin Keller (host & moderator), Metropolitan Planning Council
Julia Noordyk (panelist), Water Quality & Coastal Communities Specialist | University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
Chad Rigsby (panelist), Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories & The Morton Arboretum