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Rochelle Plan Commissioner Training on 11/4/24

Rochelle Plan Commissioner Training Held on 11/4/24

The City of Rochelle hosted a commissioner training session on November 4, 2024. Planning & Zoning Commissioners and staff members attended the session, and discussed a variety of topics including the use of findings of fact when reviewing special uses and variations, potential conflicts of interest, and handling interactions with the public during public hearings. 

The training session was presented by Attorney Megan Mack, Ancel Glink, and Tom Farace, AICP, Village of Carol Stream.

Many thanks to Michelle Pease and Michelle Knight with the City of Rochelle for organizing the session.

Want to know how we can customize training for your organization or officials?

Visit the Plan Commissioner Training website to learn more and contact the APA-IL Planning Officials Development Officer, Tom Farace, AICP at

Photo Credit: Tom Farace, AICP

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