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APAIL25 Call for Sessions & Mobile Workshops

In 2025 the APA-IL State Conference will once again offer a range of session formats. This means attendees can have more options for learning and a chance to try something new. We encourage you to think creatively and step outside the norm, whether that means an interactive workshop, a thought-provoking roundtable discussion, or a session that amplifies underrepresented voices. Imagine a session you would love to attend and make it happen! This conference is for planners, by planners.

Deadline for session submissions is February 1, 2025.


Conference Details
2025 APA-IL State Conference
October 8-10, 2025
Old Post Office, Chicago, IL

​Session Formats

​Please note, the APA-IL Conference Programming Committee will not pair sessions in 2025.​ If you would like to present for less than 60 minutes we encourage you to find another presentation or presenter to fill the duration of the session time.

FACILITATED DISCUSSIONS (60 minutes) - This type of session allows attendees to share ideas and experiences on a given topic. The format allows for greater participation than traditional topical panel presentations. Facilitated discussion sessions focus on one topic that has broad appeal yet is specialized enough to allow participants to share their experiences with others. Organizers of these sessions may recruit one or two speakers with expertise on the topic but the speakers' primary role is to lead the discussion and be ready with an overview and prompting questions. 

​MOBILE WORKSHOPS -  Mobile workshops will travel outside the conference venue to give attendees a first-hand look at your community or a favorite project. Organizers of these workshops should include logistics in their submission such as transportation, site(s), speakers, as well as educational value. The APA-IL will assist with your logistics if your workshop is selected. Mobile workshops will ideally last 1-2 hours but can last as long as 3-4 hours. CM credits can only be given for educational time so be sure to accommodate presentations while en route to a location.

SPEED PLANNING  (60 minutes) - Interested in short presentations? Speed planning is similar to speed dating - one topic at one table for the entire session. Each presentation will last about 15 minutes then attendees move to another table to listen to a different presentation. Speakers will present to a new group of people each round (the same presentation is made about four times). We recommend 10-minute presentations and 5 minutes of Q&A. Think musical chairs, APA-IL style! (Note this is for the Speed Planning event only and not 60-minute sessions. Award Winners and Sponsors will receive the first choice of tables for this session. The remaining tables may be limited and filled at the discretion of the APA-IL.)​​​

​TOPICAL PANEL PRESENTATIONS (60 minutes) - A tradition for the APA‐IL State Conference. This traditional panel presentation focuses on one topic and features a collection of speakers with common experience, but varying perspectives. These sessions may include a moderator and are given in presentation form with questions from the audience at the end. All panel presentations will be 60 minutes unless special accommodations are made through APA-IL (accommodations can be made by emailing Paula Freeze before filling out the Call for Sessions form).

OTHER - We’re open to new and exciting ways of providing education to planners in Illinois. Put on your thinking cap and imagine a session attendees will talk about till 2026! Put your best, creative foot forward and tell us how you would like to present your topic.

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